Pit Crew Managing Director Peter Dyball was a speaker at the 24th Annual Conference held in Perth in March 2022. His presentation focused on the demand and availability of workforce resources for construction, operations & maintenance and shutdowns across the mining, oil & gas, heavy industry and infrastructure sectors in WA. Insights were given up…
Great to get a mention in The West Australian today: “Peter Dyball, whose consulting company Pit Crew released a report last year showing the WA resources sector would need an extra 40,000 skilled workers by the middle of 2023, said if the timing of the Prime Minister’s job creation programs were right, it could work…
Our seminars and workshops are designed to present Pit Crew’s latest data and analysis against a backdrop of current market issues. The seminars detail the major project market; identify the competitive pressures on major resources, energy and infrastructure projects; and are designed to provide valuable evidence for project and contract strategy, workforce planning, tender submissions,…